The NYT? Again!?
Someone at the Gray Lady loves us. For the second time in less than a year, there's an article about a college volleyball figure! Last time it was lovable softie Russ Rose. This time, it's Lauren Cookie and her Husker homecoming.
"Lauren Cook is no prodigal daughter groveling for a second chance."
Odd opening gambit. I don't think anyone said she was groveling, did they?
"Now Cook, a self-described Nebraska girl..."
Well, in her defense, she IS a girl... from Nebraska. Has the NYT always been this -- what's the word -- 'obvious'?
The article then goes on to cover the well-worn ground about why Lauren went to UCLA in the first place, making her own path, and so on, including the whole "event management" thing. Which again, if you can't break in to the event management industry in a town that has literally oodles of events every day of the year...
But I digress.
"Cook also kept comparing U.C.L.A. with Nebraska, where 135 straight matches have sold out at the 4,030-seat Coliseum and the players are idolized by youngsters statewide."
Touché. UCLA couldn't get 4,000+ to a match in Westwood if they were throwing free botox out to the crowd during timeouts.
But the best quotes come from Sydney Anderson. You remember Sydney, right? Transferred from Utah to Nebraska? I'm sure, if anyone understands Cook's plight it's Sydney, right? She immediately understood the situation?
"'My first response was kind of confused.'"
Reeeallly. Yanz and Griffin feel your pain. But not actually.
"Yeah, I was upset and maybe a little sad. Part of my role would be taken away.'"
Oh, irony. You're the best.
But it seems all has turned out well, if by "well" we mean losing to Florida in an unforeseen home court stumble, trip, and splat. Let's let Lauren have the last word.
"'I've been around Nebraska for the last eight-plus years and realize how special it is. It's hard to walk away from.'"
True. Look what happened to the Donner party.
"'I did that.'"
Yeah, but you were on a plane, the Donners were in, like, wagons and stuff.
"'And then I realized I've got to go back there. That's where I belong.'"
Oh my God. Do you know what this means? Lincoln, Neb., is the island from LOST! Of course! It's so obvious now! This changes the WHOLE show! That means Pettit was Jacob, Pavan was, who, Claire? Or is Osborne actually Jacob? I just lost my mind.