Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Been off the grid?

Quick refresher in case you've been out of the loop:

Falyn has left Troy. Based on speculation, the anniversary of her departure will soon become a paid day off in Hawaii. 

The new Penn State - Nebraska rivalry has already reached DEFCON 3 on the Uncomfortably Awkward Meter.

Mike Sealy is rockin' Ryan Mennealy's haircut circa 1991.

Jen Bonilla became Jen Beltran, triggering a violent reaction from...people on volleytalk who aren't related to Jen or her family in any way. 

The Russian occupation of Louisville is over, enabling Ann Kordes to complete Phase 2 of the Kordes Coup. But in the least shocking move since the Wonder Woman pilot was not picked up (I mean, right?), Yelin will now be yodelin' in Youlder, Yolorado.

Hugh became Head Gopher, but not yet, though sometime soon, but for now it's The Laura Bush Show, and there are other assistants, but not all of 'em are staying, blah blah blah.

Speaking of Gophers, Tabi Love upgraded in the animal world by becoming a Bruin. (Bear beats gopher, doesn't it? Bear beats gopher, which beats squid, which beats bear, I believe.)


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