Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Pitt goes abroad and WE...are there

Pittsburgh head coach Chris Beerman is obviously trying to get two starters to transfer. Why else would he take a foreign trip? We all saw what happened to Utah: foreign trip= -2 starters.

OK, maybe he's just looking to enrich his players' lives, blah blah blah.

In any case, Beerman files the first report from abroad. And although it's not filled with tales of leering eastern Europeans, there is a border dispute involving Diana Andreyko and the Czech border. Andreyko is originally from the Ukraine, and border officials are notorious for their lack of understanding.

Report #2 is filed by Melissa Ferguson, who tells us that in Prague they "were greeted by hundreds of local high school protesters filling the streets."

Ferguson doesn't tell us what they were protesting, although it probably has something to do with, you know, having to live in Prague (I say that knowing nothing about the living conditions in Czech; I'm an ignorant American).

Ferguson also says she and some of her pals enjoyed golash (goulash?), which comes from the Hungarian word "gulyás," which means herdsman. Yum?

Report #3, filed by Jessica Moses, details a trip to the top of St. Vetos Cathedral:

This narrow staircase was not easy to climb, however, with there being a total of 287 steps. Melissa Stadelman even counted them all!

This OCD moment brought to you by "As Good As It Gets."

Our last report, so far, comes from Megan Dooley, who tells us that they team moved on to Vienna, Austria. There the Panthers had "doner kebabs," which literally means "rotating grilled meat." You know, these translations kinda take away some of the mystique, don't they.

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